Automating resource management of Atracom FOCLs

Automating resource management of Atracom FOCLs

The introduction of the automating system started in the  beginning of 2008 with the MSTS Resource Management system. A unified  information system was created.

That helped to achieve the following  objectives:

  • To create a real time map of all Company's FOCLs
  • To simplify network planning and development – detailed information about network resources in the system makes in possible to take into account all elements of the network, their specifications and geographical locations
  • To reduce average time needed to do emergency repairs and consequently to increase network’s operational reliability. The system keeps records of events that influence the state of resources (failures, repairs, replacements etc.) helping to plan better repair and maintenance work
  • To increase network reliability – better resource control helps to find “bottlenecks” in network reliability and to eliminate them
  • To provide better services to customers, such as giving authorized outside user access to the FOCL map

After the introduction of  the system the Company got a single data bank of the network resources.  Now at any time we may get real time information about the state of  fibre optical lines in any region of Ukraine, and this helps to analyse  the main indicators of network operation and to manage them.